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Total Body Photography (TBP) is the process of taking high quality images of your skin from head to toe to help your doctor monitor and assess your skin lesions.


It is utilised in conjunction with regular full body skin checks for those with higher risk skin and a large number of lesions.


Your spots will be mapped to your virtual 3D body, where your clincian and the system can work together to track any changes over time.


How can you benefit from TBP? It can: 

  • Support imaging of all of your skin lesions.

  • Early detection: tiny changes can be detected by our software to aid the earliest possible detection of skin cancer

  • Provide reassurance - identifying a lack of change is equally useful to reduce unnecessary procedures

  • Take less than 30 minutes, so it's quick and easy 



Hand Massage

Who Should Consider TBP Services?

Certain factors may increase your chances of developing skin cancer. Patients with any number of risk factors may benefit from TBP services in addition to regular self skin checks. Some risk factors include:

  • Having many moles (more than 50)

  • Having a personal history of skin cancer

  • Having an immunosuppresive condition

  • Taking any immunosuppressive medication

  • Having a family history of skin cancer

  • Having any large moles (more than 1cm in diameter)

  • Having extensive sun damage to your skin

  • Use of sunbeds


Please talk to your doctor for a full assessment to see if TBP is recommended for you.

What to Expect

1. A trained professional will provide a brief overview of the session.


2. You will be led to a private area to remove your outer clothing. You may also be asked to remove any jewellery, make up and self tanner. Long hair may also need to be tied up.


3. You will be slowly guided through the poses to ensure that your skin is imaged at a comfortable pace.


4. The information will be securely recorded in the system and once two sets of images have been done some time apart, our clinicians will utilise the software and our experience to identify any concerning changes which we can look closer at the time of the full skin check.


5. If our team finds a suspicious lesion, they may take a magnified image of your skin with a tool called a Dermoscope in order to review the lesion in greater detail.

What's next?

Check your skin! Perform a self-exam every 1 to 3 months to help you know your moles and notice any potential changes over time.


Your doctor may provide you with secure access to your data via the patient app as a way to keep you informed of your skin health plan and future necessary appointments.


Have any questions or concerns? Please don't hesitate to contact us. We want to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible with your experience.

If you notice any new changes to your skin be sure to contact your doctor.

Want to know more or make a booking with us?

Contact us here
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